Quantum mechanics
Quantum mechanics handwritten pdf notes
These notes are
taken from three most important books of quantum mechanics written by
. David J. Griffiths
. Richard L. Liboff
. Nouredine Zetteli
Quantum Mechanics : Definition
Wave function
Physical interpretation or significance of wave
Superposition principle /Superposition of plane waves
Wave packet
Phase velocity and group velocity and their physical significance
Einstein – De-Broglie relation
Wave function of free particles
Schrodinger time dependent equation and its derivation
(1-D and 3-D)
Time Independent Schrodinger wave equation derivation
Hamiltonian operator
3-D Schrodinger wave equation for free particle
Postulates of Quantum Mechanics
Energy operator
Dirac delta function its properties
Function and operator
Dirac notation
Wave packet and uncertainty principle
Dynamical operators and variables
Linear operator and non- Linear operator
Squaring operator
Orthogonal function
Simultaneous eigen function
Adjoint operator
Hermitian operator
Complex conjugate operator
Identity operator
Degenerate eigen value
Parity operator and its types and linearity
The fundamental commutation operator its properties
and physical significance
Uncertainty principle and its proof in terms of
Ehrenfest theorem
Equation of continuity
Potential step or Step potential
Angular momentum
Angular momentum operators
Commutators relation in Angular momentum and its proof
Commutator Algebra and some proofs
Ladder operator and its types and some important
Quantum Mechanics in three dimensions
Schrodinger equations in Spherical coordinates
Hamiltonian operator
The Hydrogen atom and its wave equation
Separation of variables
The angular equation
The Azimuthal equation of phi equation
Polar wave equation of theta equation
Orbital angular momentum in spherical coordinates
Ladder operators in spherical coordinates
Square of angular momentum in spherical coordinates
Total energy of electron in 1st Bohr orbit
Normalization for the ground state of H-atom
Basic Electronics book by Pakistani author
Nuclear physics-1 book by Pakistani author
MMP notes Complete 1 handwritten
MMP notes Complete 2 handwritten
Nuclear physics handwritten notes
Relativity and Cosmology handwritten notes
Classical Mechanics handwritten notes
Atomic and Molecular physics handwritten notes
Quantum Mechanics handwritten notes
Particle physics handwritten notes
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