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Atomic and Molecular physics short notes pdf for revision

Atomic and Molecular  physics short notes pdf for revision

Atomic and Nuclear physics


Bohr theory of H-like atom

Finite nuclear mass correction

Hydrogen spectrum

Ionization energy

Excitation energy

Binding energy

Ionization potential

Excitation potential

Relation b/w energy frequency and wave number

Relative population of two levels

Frequency of revolution of electron

Topics related solved problems

Sommerfeld’s model   

Correction of elliptical model

Relativistic approach

Quantum numbers

Orbital angular momentum

Stern-Gerlach experiment

Space quantization and its angular momentum

Vector model of an atom


Vector coupling model for many electrons system

Afbau principle 

Hund's rule


Term separation

Intensity ratio

Electric dipole Transition rate

Alkali atom spectra

Zeeman effect its types and related problems

Paschen back effect (PBE)

Stark effect and its type

Hyperfine splitting

Broadening in spectral line and its type

X-ray spectra and its type

Mosely law for characteristics x-ray

Molecular physics

pure rotational spectra

Diatomic molecule as rigid rotator and non-rigid rotator

Isotropic effect in rotational spectra

Vibrational spectra

Diatomic molecule as a harmonic oscillator

Bands in harmonic oscillator

Isotope effect in vibrational level

Raman spectra and its types

Fundamental modes

Rule of mutual exclusion

NMR spectra

ESR/EPR spectra

ELECTRONIC SPECTRA --Frank cordon principle

Dissociation energy


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